
Supplementary tables: One-year budget impact of InTandem™: a novel neurorehabilitation system for individuals with chronic stroke walking impairment

posted on 2024-09-03, 08:44 authored by Kirsten Smayda, Jennifer Lavanture, Megan Bourque, Nathashi Jayawardena, Sarah Kane, Holly Roberts, Barbara Heikens

These are peer-reviewed supplementary materials for the article 'One-year budget impact of InTandem™: a novel neurorehabilitation system for individuals with chronic stroke walking impairment' published in the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research.

  • Supplemental Table 1: Sensitivity Analysis Inputs
  • Supplemental Table 2: Sensitivity Analysis: Inclusion of Recurrent Stroke-Related Hospitalization and LTC Costs
  • References

Aim: Chronic stroke walking impairment is associated with high healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) costs. InTandem™ is a neurorehabilitation system that autonomously delivers a rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS)-based intervention for the at-home rehabilitation of walking impairment in adults in the chronic phase of stroke recovery. This study was conducted to estimate the budget impact of InTandem in comparison with currently available intervention strategies for improvement of gait/ambulation in individuals with chronic stroke walking impairment. Methods & materials: A budget impact analysis (BIA) for InTandem was conducted based on a 1-million-member US third-party payer perspective over a 1-year time horizon. Key inputs for the budget impact model were: costs for each intervention strategy (InTandem, physical therapy, self-directed walking and no treatment), HCRU costs for persons with chronic stroke and anticipated HCRU cost offsets due to improvements in gait/ambulatory status as measured by self-selected comfortable walking speed (based on functional ability). In addition to the reference case analysis, a sensitivity analysis was conducted. Results: Based on the reference case, introduction of InTandem was projected to result in overall cost savings of $439,954 in one year. Reduction of HCRU costs (-$2,411,778) resulting from improved walking speeds with InTandem offset an increase in intervention costs (+$1,971,824). Demonstrations of cost savings associated with InTandem were robust and were consistently evident in nearly all scenarios evaluated in the sensitivity analysis (e.g., with increased/decreased patient shares, increased HCRU cost or increased InTandem rental duration). Conclusion: The InTandem system is demonstrated to improve walking and ambulation in adults in the chronic phase of stroke recovery after a five-week intervention period. The BIA predicts that introduction of InTandem will be associated with overall cost savings to the payer.


This study was funded by MedRhythms, Inc. (ME, USA). Eversana (Burlington, Canada) was contracted by MedRhythms to designand conduct the economic modeling analyses. MedRhythms and Eversana were involved in the study design; in the collection,analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. Eversanawas involved in the design and build of the economic model.


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